Wednesday, July 25, 2007

SI Station Review (Asian Market)

Today's review is on a real time stock monitoring application called SI Station.

This software is designed to run on the PC platform, and is meant for the Asian markets. So if you do stock trading in the Asian market, you should read on.Whether you are a casual trader or an experienced investor, if you want to invest in stocks, there are 2 things you must have - information and tools.

Information is crucial, and you need lots of it to enable you to have good timing in picking the right stocks to buy and when to sell. Anyone in stocks investments will tell you that timing is everything.The sources of information may be in the form of newspapers, company reports, online reviews, stock market sites, and so on. Suddenly, you realize that the information you need is spread all over, like a can of spilled beans on the floor.

Through practice and being receptive to all these available information, you then can make good decisions on which stock to buy and when, or sell for that matter. There is no short cut to stock trading, and listening to rumours is very risky to say the least. It is a too common scenario that when you see reviews of a hot stock being announced and the prices are shooting up, the "early birds" have already made a truck load.

You got be be analytical as to whether will the price shoot up much further for you to earn a good margin, or will the price shoot down when the big players are unloading their profits.So what tools do you need? Apart from the typical flow of information available, you should really have a real time monitoring software, especially if you do internet trading. Decisions made in a difference of seconds can mean a profit or loss for you. For trading in the Asian markets, you should have a look at SI Station. So what does it offer?

You get a whole lot of infomative features including streaming stock quotes, intraday time & sales, trade summary matrix, intraday charts, company financials, portfolio tracking. The list goes on. Click here to check out the site now, or read on.Being a user of the software myself, I must say that it makes life much easier. You have so much information you need right at your fingertips. Want to know which stocks are top gainers, or which stocks are traded in top volume? You got it in real time! You can even customize your own portfolio with the stocks you have, input the price you bought at, and it shows you in real time what are your current profits/losses, and even calculates the commissions for you. Want to know the financials of a particular company? No problem, just a few clicks and you got it. Want to know the latest IPOs or news feeds? You can have that as well. Therefore, I would say that it is a vital piece of tool to have, and you will be disadvantaged if you don't utilize it.SI Station offers a free trial. If you want to make life easier with your stocks investments, you should check it out.

Click here to go to the site.If you invest in the Singapore stock market, the following links might interest you:

Singapore Stock Exchange
KE Live - Market Analysis
UOB Kay Hian - Online Trading Provider
Share Investor Info Site

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